August 1st, 2013

So I haven’t had a diary entry in a while. I need to unload some stuff. This entry is going to be about lawsuits… I’ve had many of them in my life. The biggest one was the 9-yr battle against my father’s former wife for the estate that my father left me. Three days after my father died, my step-monster had filed a contentment to my father’s will in regards to marital assets being improperly distributed by the will.  She was also pushing for a cremation, and I was appalled at the thought. My father had been baptized and raised as a Roman Catholic, not that she gave a fuck. I thought it would be honoring his roots — my grandmother especially — to have him interred with a full Catholic burial. 
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June 3rd, 2013

So this entry covers my feelings about my friends and how sometimes it takes a good friend or the example of a friend to wake you up to what you are missing.

Friendships are just another type of relationship, so when you look back at your relationships count how many of them were bad and find the common denominator. You may, in exploring this, find that you are in fact that common denominator. What is it about you that makes all your relationships fail?

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